Gianina Cycling: the paradise for cycling enthusiasts

What started with an apprenticeship as a bicycle mechanic has developed into a store of its own with an owner who just radiates the joy of bicycles. Cordial. That's how you experience Nina. 

Gianina Cycling has its home in the Mühle Tiefenbrunnen. There, cycling enthusiasts can find everything that makes them happy - from racing bikes to e-bikes, helmets and shoes to the optimal cycling clothing. The people to whom Nina offers her range are just as important to her as the products themselves. Striving for perfection, she advises her customers. She screws, measures, mounts and mends until it is just perfect, the bike. This personal service is appreciated. Postcards of cycling vacations and happy customers flutter into her store again and again.

At lunchtime, Nina gets on her bike herself and keeps her energy level high. In this way, she also motivates others. She is often accompanied by customers and friends on the 'short' lunchtime tours to Pfannenstil. Her longest tour took Nina from the Klausen Pass to Glarus in one day - a distance of about 200 kilometers. It took her eight hours.

Nina knows what is important when riding a bike. That's why she also offers mechanic courses to prepare people exactly for such tours and to enable them for an emergency.


What you can buy at Gianina Cycling:

Gravel bikes, racing bikes, e-mountain bikes, e-trekking/city bikes, children's bikes, second-hand bikes, spare parts, helmets, clothing, shoes, sports glasses, sports nutrition, locks, lighting, pumps and cleaning products.


What you can experience at Gianina Cycling:

Bike service and repairs of any kind, advice and mechanic crash courses.

In Nina's store you can buy any bike, take any service and become a mechanic yourself through her crash course.


Off to Gianina Cycling 


Stories 08.08.2023